From the inception, surfers have learned two common practices in handling waves they face.  Surfers either push through the wave or ride it.  Similarly, when pushing towards your dreams you have to be determined to be persistent enough to push through the waves of circumstances or use them as energy and ride them.  However, there is a third option to break through the wave and that occurs when all else fails; someone must tow you out, meaning simply to be assisted towards your dreams you will be pulled towards it.  Your dreams are closer than you think.  Your hope lies in the pursuit of tackling the wave; either pushing, riding, or being pulled in an effort to break through to the other side.  I believe it’s the appreciation of the journey that meeting the milestones will happen towards your destiny.

Life will always create resistance.  Like the breaking waves on the shoreline; it can be discouraging as you transition from the shallow end to the deep end.  The turbulence of the water can be demoralizing as the quest for calm waters can seem just out of reach.  Deep inside we have dreams and visions that are waiting to cross the white surf.  We can all face issues that keep us doubting as one wave after another hits and keeps us off balance.  Our confidence wains because of progress; we want it fast, and we want it now.  It’s not the destination that reveals your greatness, however it’s the persistence in which you push through each pounding wave that determines success and resilience during the journey.   The waves we face can be equated to circumstances, time management, excuses and compromise, which keeps us at bay.  You are so close to the tranquility and victory just beyond the breaking waters, however pushing through will determine if you reach it.

Therefor as you push through, there are moments you have to pause and collect yourself as wave after wave jolts you.  Stillness is being one with the ocean refusing to resist as you float and slowly press forward.  In other words, it’s the willingness to stretch your goals over a period until you finally get there.  For example, a recent podcast caught my attention as Jim Kwik interviewed Ed Mylett (1).  Ed shared a struggle during his childhood that reinforces pushing through the waves by stretching goals.  His father for years struggled with alcoholism decimating his family.  The pillars that held his family together slowly disintegrated.  Every attempt to rehab and kick the habit came back void as wave after wave knocked him back on shore.  Peace and sobriety were only a dream beyond the waves that seemed to elude him.  Until one day he made up his mind to fight just one more day.  He picked himself from the shoreline and dusted the sand off himself, in the same way you would a blanket before packing it away.  As he made one more attempt to step into the unknown, it felt different this time.  Each wave that pounded was now a stretch goal. What was beyond the surf no longer represented the hunt; conversely it was the embrace and movement of each wave that became the goal.  He made up in his mind, despite the struggling with the wave, it would now serve as a reminder that he was in the fight for his life.  The sparring and resistance he encountered just meant there was hope just for one more day, just as a boxer would train in the ring for a big fight.  Perhaps, looking beyond the surf seems too far, just consider tackling one wave at a time.  Before you know it, you will have arrived at the point of life you have always longed for.

The next option is to ride the wave when your energy is low and your will power just isn’t enough.  For example, during a drive with his father after years of sobriety Ed received a response that would forever change his life.  “Dad after so many years of setbacks and let downs, what made this time different?”2 With all the courage he could muster dad expressed, “son, remember the power of just one.”  “Every day I am given is an opportunity to try just one more time.”  Ed’s fathers’ valor was staying in the moment as he battled just one more wave in the present by riding it.  When you find your purpose, you find hope that ignites the passion to keep going.   Eds fathers’ newfound purpose has been to serve others and plant seeds of “just one more.” Ed’s success and fulfillment is attributed to dad, exemplified by living outside of himself, giving hope through his father’s advice, and living testimony. “Just one more try; just one more run; just one more denial of the vices of life that want to swallow you whole; Just one more push to get up and go to the gym.  Each one more brings you closer to your first published book, healed marriage, restored relationship or your desired dream.  The wave will now be the wayward friend and not the enemy.  The interaction between each wave embodies hope for one more as you build momentum by riding each one individually.

Finally, if you’re too weak to push through, and balancing waves is overwhelming, it’s time you are towed out.  As believers we have an extra tow out to sea in the hope we have in our Heavenly Father and savior Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit.  “But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31).  The act of trusting as well as hoping daily in the Lord will give you the extra push that you need.  It’s a daily process as I am reminded by Jesus to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). God will meet our needs today. His grace is available for today. We are not to be anxious about the future, or even tomorrow, for every day has its own trouble (Matthew 6:34).  In other words, learn to face each wave as it comes.

As we further this point, having accountability is crucial.  Swimming with a partner ensures when you no longer have the resolve and strength to press on, you will have someone to tow you to safety.  Remember, the mind will play tricks on you.  Jim Kwok states, “You already know that mindset is the beginning of everything. But limiting beliefs can be tricky to identify, and they often work to subconsciously hold you back by making you feel overwhelmed and unprepared as you make progress. “Having a friend to help you take one more step makes all the difference in the world.  The support you have drives you closer as you accomplish that one more thing that gets you closer to your dream.

To illustrate this point let’s sail together in the life of a paralytic man.  His hopes were dashed to ever walk again until a group of friends towed him to the hometown of Jesus in Capernaum.  Upon arriving wave after wave set him back as the crowds of people gathered making it in penetrable.  How will I ever get to Jesus?”  Perhaps you feel the same, the closer You get to your dream or goals there is always a setback.  This is when having support gets you further then what you could yourself.  In verse three the paralytic man found hope in four friends, it states, Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them.  Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on.”   They refused to quit and took to the roof top for his miracle.  Today If one door closes find another door.  Be willing to see away when there is no way, or find the help you need to open one.

As a result of the effort of his companions his breakthrough finally arrived.  While hundreds of people waited the traditional way, they created their own path, and resulted was a miracle.  The scripture expresses the breakthrough, “Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed your sins are forgiven.” And then He took it a step further, “But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins. “So, he said to the man, “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” He got up, took his mat, and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”

Prepare yourself and watch in amazement as you walk through the crowd of people hearing, “We have never seen anything like this!”  The world is going to take notice as you arrive to the very greatness you were meant be.  It’s your drive to push just one more time; it’s your ability to ride on opportunities  when they arrive and finally it’s the tow of God and others that will pull you when you have no strength.  See you on the other side!

Dive Deep

  • Identify the types of waves (circumstances) that you feel have held you back.
  • What are some current opportunities or steps you could take to get closer to your dream?
  • Provide a list of your accountability partner that you are willing to share your hopes and dreams within order to give you that extra push.
  • List your goals by writing them down and the steps to get there.
  • Present your dreams to God and be willing to speak them into existence.