The Trampoline of Faith

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, (2 Timothy 3:16) Would you ever jump on a trampoline […]

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God’s Promises Make Space

God’s Promises Make Space Provided are some exercises to help you with affirming who you are in Christ and throwing the negative thoughts in the […]

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Protect Your Seahorses

Take care of your seahorses Have you felt out of control and living on frustrated fumes?  Well, be careful because you might be killing your […]

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Make Space for the New You

Make space for the New You  What have you experienced in the past that still today bogs you down?What currently is overwhelming you that you […]

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Breaking Negative Thoughts

Breaking Negative Thought Pattern You must be aware you have negative thoughts to break negative thought patterns.  Most people never realize they are having negative […]

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Fear of Commitment with God

Fear of Commitment with God According to a research group, “more than seven out of ten Americans (72%) claim they have made a personal commitment […]

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