Liz and Ben Lopez

Liz and Ben Lopez have been married for over 30 years.  They both have been in education over 25 years.  The passion is educating families in social emotional need s as well parenting tools. They both have experienced the high’s and low’s of life together and God and His grace have allowed them to break the cycle of divorce, lack of education and poverty.  Their goal is to equip the world with the God given gifts and tools that have given them the freedom through God’s  Biblical principals and supported scientific research.


Name Benigno Lopez Jr.

How long in education? 27 years
What schools have you worked at? Progress Village, Mann Middle, Grecco and Shields (Hillsborough) Southwest Middle and Sleepy Hill (Polk County)
What do you like most as an educator? Being an educator affords me the opportunity to build bridges for our students and their community.  I am grateful for providing windows for students to dream and mirrors to create a hope of where they could possibly see themselves one day.
Why is it important to have mentors and family involvement with our children and in the schools?  For any school to thrive and be successful bridges must be built between the local school and the community.  Mentors are the pathway that can model connection and step in areas that might be void of support, such as a missing father or an emotional and spiritual absentee home.  Mentors can provide one on one attention that at times make it challenging for the teacher and counselors to fulfill with the large demand and amount of students.
Favorite quote or saying: “Our actions are caught and not taught.”
Favorite Hobbies: Play basketball, DJ and produce music
Bio:  Benigno Lopez Jr. has been teaching for over 27 years.  Was recently the winner 2022 Ida S. Baker Diversity Educator of the Year for Hillsborough County.  Born in Philadelphia, Lopez, a graduate of Southeastern University and Nova Southeastern University with a bachelor’s degree in general science and secondary biology and a master’s degree in educational leadership, has worked for HCPS for 18 years. He is currently Shields’ success coach and science teacher. He has a passion for serving the community by advocating for resources for underserved students. He has developed free sports programs, outreach resources and mentoring initiatives through his nonprofit, Life Coach 180.  He has developed “Social and Emotional Lesson’s for the district and created several web-site platforms   for teachers and students at his local school. Life Coach is a motivational site providing free life coach tools for underserved families.  He is a motivational speaker with his National, life Coach 180 podcast which provides resources and tools to meet spiritual and emotional needs.  He is the Area representative for Fellowship of Christian Athletes in the South County Area serving Ruskin’s, Wimauma and Riverview.  Mr. Lopez also known as Dj Lopez is a National disc Jockey for music stations such as Spirit FM 90.5 and a producer for various National and local hip-hop artist  Mr. Lopez is the proud father of two children Ben Lopez his son, who has followed in his steps as a dj and national producer winning two Musical Dove Awards.  His son is also an engineer and is active in serving his community and local church.  Keila Rose is the oldest and she has developed and created several non-profit for homeless advocacy campaigns and raised money by creating spa days as well as feminine hygiene products for woman in homeless shelters.  Keila also known as K_LA a female rapper advocating for young girls and inspiring 

Nurse Specialty Spotlight: Neonatal Nursing – Consult QDteenagers to follow their dreams by currently developing a site: Aboutusmagazine.  She has written

poems for various publications and currently finishing up a children’s book to help the parents of premature babies in the nicu.  Keila is also a motivational speaker sharing her story that took her to the  top of the medical profession as a doctor and choosing a new path in philanthropy.


FCA is the ministry Ben Lopez aka DJ Lopez encountered a relationship with the Lord. Currently He utilizes this platform of ministry that has given him hope to provide hope to underserved youth through sports and music.  For more information please click Fellowship of Christian Athletes Site.

3 Gears that Drive Your Life

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. -Anthony J. D'Angelo
Life Coach 180