Find Your Why?

Hurricanes and earthquakes get all the publicity, but termites damage more homes, and they take such small bitty bites!

  • True achievement starts with bitty bites.
  • Bad habits have the same effect, they create big holes a small bite at a time.
  • Stop digging and start building a ladder up to get out.

The way out is ladder building.  Just like the rungs on a ladder, you will find 4 key steps that you will need pull you out.

  • You must have a clearly defined why
  • Create significance
  • Develop a game plan
  • Leave a legacy

It’s important that you take inventory and write down what is your why in life.  Your why reflects the essence of who you are and what drives you.  In each individual God plants a seed that is destined to change the world.  The video will illustrate the impact purpose can have in one’s life once your passion and meaning is aligned.

Passion can be created when the choices we make becomes significant.  The need to feel important is something all human beings share, so why not use your significance to your advantage? Think about what your strengths are: What do you contribute to the world that no one else can? How do you approach situations in a unique way?  In other words cater to your strengths and quit trying to be a carbon copy of other.  Nurture your talents and gifts as you journey through your path of discovering your purpose.  

The next rung in a ladder to climb up is developing a daily game plan.  The old adage is, either you have a plan for your day or your day will have a plan for you.  It’s vital to have a plan by structuring what you want your day to look like.  From minor to major, it all counts, and activities and tasks all need to feed your purpose.  Anything outside of that, friends activities or tasks that don’t fuel your why must be shaved off.  According to the, there are five ways to create a daily routine.  Let’s break them down together.


Details are important between a specific task or routine but can become overwhelming.  Details within a particular routine creates habits that once mastered will happen naturally.

  • Schedule time for flexibility:  Life can get in the way of even the most detailed routines.  It’s important to have flexibility in your schedule to keep the momentum going.  Another technique that can keep you flowing is habit stacking   Habit stacking allows you to juggle simultaneously two task.  For example, if i have to get a work out it because my day it tight with appointments, I might check emails on my phone while I am on the treadmill.  Another example is taking the car in and bringing my lab top to work on projects while I wait for the vehicle to be completed.

Give Room to the Designer

As you plan your day realize that there will be things out of your control.  Above flexibility, realize God has a bigger plan in store when you surrender the day to him.  

  1. Proverbs 16:9 – The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. God knows best and when he establishes your steps, it’s like listening to the G.P.S. of your car.  When making a wrong turn it will redirect your correct path.  God is working in our lives in similar ways, When we depend on him, there will be obstacles and challenges that he will redirect us from.  We might not see it in the moment but give it time as you look back to find under cast clouds you have passed.
  2. Proverbs 15:22 – Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 19:21 – Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.