All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, (2 Timothy 3:16)

  • Would you ever jump on a trampoline if it had no springs holding up the mat? Explain.

That would be crazy, yet our spiritual walk consists of eight fundamental core beliefs that support our faith allowing us to jump through life successfully. The opposite is also true when we try to live life and succeed under our own will and power it results in falling straight to the ground. Ouch!

To be successful in life as a disciple of Jesus you must: engage in His Word, understand your faith and in what you believe in, and grow in the knowledge of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

To join God’s team you must commit to the FOUR: God loves you, sin separates you from him, Jesus rescued you from sin, and you need to accept Him as your savior. 

When you are joining God’s Squad (Team) you are choosing to walk with Him daily. Training in God’s Word, prayer, and fellowship are key springs that are essential to grow and mature in the faith. God has designed a playbook to ensure that each day you experience ends with a “W”. The beauty of following Jesus is that we win, not by the world’s standards but by God’s standards.

  • What could be currently holding you back from fully giving your life to Jesus?
  • How do you need to respond to Jesus right now?

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