Fear of Commitment in Relationships

  • Moving past the casual stage, even though you like the person you’re seeing, you may have some unresolved commitment fears. You can be carrying baggage issues of someone who left you in the past and you are still dealing with the hurt.  My encouragement is to first rely on God and seek peace in your heart.  If the relationship is built on Christ and both have a purpose continue to move forward.
  • Planning a future together: If you don’t give the future any thought at all and see your future journey together working and creating a life you may have avoidance issues.  The time you spend with someone must be purposeful and meaningful to grow and mature.  You should be able to look back and see flowers blooming where you both worked together to plant seeds and water.
  • You keep questioning the relationship. Having insecurity will eventually destroy a relationship.  Healthy relationships are the ones that can be happy independently and function independently while trusting their loved ones are building for the future that benefits both.  Marriage isn’t two halves making a whole, but two separate and complete individuals that are whole in God, working as one functioning body for God’s purpose.  If questions arise over and over like a scratched record continuing to skip, consider the root cause could be commitment issues.  Questions such as, “Do you love me?”  “What happens next?”  “Are you ready for this?  “Do you want this to work?”
  • Lack of Making Plans: Many relationships start with anticipation and sizzle out ending up as tumbleweeds blowing by as each person waits for the next person to decide what to do together.  It’s important to be spontaneous as well as intentional and plan.  To keep a relationship healthy, you must water it with activities, hobbies, and goals.  This why it’s important that choosing a partner is beyond just looks but a mindful purpose.  A couple of questions you can ask yourself: Do you enjoy the same things they enjoy?  Do our hobbies and recreation complement each other?  Do we have the same purpose and mission working together for God?  This is the primary reason you should not be unequally yoked.

Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness (2 Corinthians 6:14-18)?

According to the verse, why is it important to start a relationship on equal terms with the same mindset of Christ?


How can past hurts limit growth in a current relationship? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why is it important to be committed in a relationship? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________